Monday, August 26, 2013

Flower Power

On Saturday, August 17th the Flensburg-Nordetor Rotary Club visited the Emil Nolde Art Museum. There we saw his gardens and home.

Emil Nolde was a famous German painter before WWII and was initially a Nazi supporter. He was later claimed a degenerate by the Nazis and forbidden to paint. He kept painting small paintings however, and they are known as the "Unpainted Pictures."

The tour was given exclusively in German, so naturally I didn't understand a word of it. My host-father explained a lot of what was said though so I did learn quite a lot about Nolde.

Here are some pictures of his beautiful flower garden where many of his works were inspired. Aunt Kathy, I think you would love his garden. I know you would have done it's beauty justice.

                They almost lined up...

 After the museum we went out to dinner at one of the Rotarians restaurants. I had really good Salmon and Martin chose a fish native to northern Germany. Let's just say there were a couple bones...

Sorry it's sideways, but here you can see how Emil designed his garden. The pathways show his and his wife's initials.


  1. Hi Mari!

    I saw my first Emil Nolde paintings at the art gallery in Buffalo when I was just a bit older than you. They were watercolors, so bright and vibrant that I've never forgotten them. (I'm one of your dad's students from Door County).

  2. Beautiful pictures! So fun to get another update!

  3. I DO love the garden, Mari--and your beautiful pictures of it. Even a WHITE sunflower. Wow! But my favorite picture, I think, is of all those fish bones. Thanks for giving us a peek at your adventures. We miss knowing you're only a state away!

  4. Love that you were there! (And glad you ordered the salmon!)

  5. Love the pics and the Emil Nolde is intriguing ... sent me to Wikipedia. Love, UL.
